Green Moss Agate Slabs from India

Indian Green Moss Agate is renowned for its deep green and lime green moss contrasting with colorless to white and drusy patches. It cuts gorgeous stones. Some mossy areas with clear agate can be a bit vuggy, but we’ve found it doesn’t usually detract from the finished stone. If a perfect glass-like surface is desired, filling in the tiny pits with super glue or epoxy before prepolishing works wonders.
Agate is a form of microcrystalline quartz. It is usually formed in nodules and has transparent, or translucent portions. As with all of the other species in the quartz family, agate takes a high polish with cerium oxide. Mohs hardness is 7.

Ruler is in INCHES.

cab1330 green moss agateExample of a Green Moss Agate Cabochon.

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