Showing 136–150 of 2127 results
Cab1182JB – Mookaite Cabochon Parcel
Ovals Measure (approx) 40.0 x 30.0 x 7.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 100.2 grams.
Cab1183JB – Mookaite Cabochon Parcel
Ovals Measure (approx) 40.0 x 30.0 x 7.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 100.2 grams.
Cab1184 – Biggs Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 57.1mm long x 27.0mm wide x 4.0mm thick.
Weighs 48.2 ct.
Cab1185 – Red Striped Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 46.0mm long x 22.8mm wide x 5.8mm thick.
Weighs 54.0 ct.
Cab1187JB – Mookaite Cabochon Parcel
Ovals Measure (approx) 40.0 x 30.0 x 7.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 100.2 grams.
Cab1188 – Amazonite (Perthite) Cabochon
Measures (approx) 40.3 x 20.0 x 5.9mm thick.
Weighs 35.65 ct
Cab1189 – Red Striped Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 41.2mm long x 31.3mm wide x 6.0mm thick.
Weighs 56.55 ct.
Cab119 – Cobra Jasper
Measures (approx) 40.3 x 34.0 x 5.6mm thick.
Weighs 48.30 ct.
Cab1191JB – Mookaite Cabochon Parcel
Ovals Measure (approx) 40.0 x 30.0 x 7.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 100.2 grams.
Cab1192JB – Mookaite Cabochon Parcel
Ovals Measure (approx) 40.0 x 30.0 x 7.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 100.2 grams.
Cab1193JB – Mookaite Cabochon Pair
Measures (approx) 35.0 x 24.7 x 5.6mm and 38.4 x 15.2 x 4.3mm thick.
Pair Weighs 45.10 ct.
Cab1194 – Chrome Diopside 4mm Round Cabochon Pair
Measures (approx) 4.0mm long x 4.0mm wide x 2.0mm thick.
Parcel Weighs 0.72 ct.
Cab1198 – Red Striped Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 40.3mm long x 18.8mm wide x 5.2mm thick.
Weighs 36.9 ct.
Cab1199 – Amazonite (Perthite) Cabochon
Measures (approx) 39.3 x 19.6 x 5.4mm thick.
Weighs 31.3 ct
Cab12 – Parrot Wing Chrysocolla Cabochon
Measures (approx) 45.8mm long x 21.4mm wide x 6.8mm thick.
Weighs 51.50 ct.