Showing 1–15 of 38 results
Cab111 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon Suite
Measures (approx) 35.3mm x 19.6mm and 37.9 x 18.3 in size.
Weighs 54.26 ct.
Cab1282 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon Pair
Measures (approx) 41.4 x 23.0 x 4.0mm thick.
Weighs 63.05 ct.
Cab1297 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon Pair
Measures (approx) 36.3 x 25.0 x 3.9mm thick.
Weighs 55.3 ct.
Cab1312 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon Pair
Measures (approx) 42.4 x 25.2 x 4.6mm thick.
Weighs 74.85 ct.
Cab1334 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 34.5 x 21.0 x 3.1mm thick.
Weighs 17.00 ct.
Cab1335 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 51.0 x 23.3 x 4.3mm thick.
Weighs 40.1 ct.
Cab1393 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 51.0 x 27.6 x 6.3mm thick.
Weighs 73.0 ct.
Cab2777 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 41.8mm long x 15.4mm wide x 3.9mm thick.
Weighs 15.9 ct.
Cab2783 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 40.4mm long x 19.3mm wide x 4.0mm thick.
Weighs 21.4 ct.
Cab2789 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 45.7mm long x 20.8mm wide x 5.5mm thick.
Weighs 30.5 ct.
Cab2792 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 57.5mm long x 31.2mm wide x 4.0mm thick.
Weighs 41.9 ct.
Cab2800 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 52.8mm long x 39.3mm wide x 4.3mm thick.
Weighs 69.7 ct.
Cab2806 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 69.3mm long x 23.4mm wide x 5.8mm thick.
Weighs 60.7 ct.
Cab2807 – Imperial Jasper Cabochon
Measures (approx) 54.6mm long x 35.9mm wide x 3.7mm thick.
Weighs 63.6 ct.
Slab1306 – Spiderweb Imperial Jasper Slab
Measures (approx) 4-1/2″ x 2-1/2″ at widest points x 9/32″ thick.