The Research
Much of this page contains, but is not limited to, information from the book below by Regina Martino: Shungite- Protection, Healing and Detoxification. Regina is a geobiologist who has done extensive research on how the human body responds to the presence of Shungite (the fullerenes). She lives in France and runs her own crystal boutique called La Roche Mère (The Mother Rock).

Russians began studying Shungite quite a while ago and WWII brought it all to a halt. But new research protocols popped up again in the 1960s.
As previously mentioned, 1992 brought about proof that natural fullerenes are abundant in Shungite. 6 years later, researches at IPAC institute published their success in extracting and also identifying fullerene C60 in high-carbon type Shungite. “The results were striking. On virtually any pathology model, we observed a positive biological effect. The experiments lasted for more than 15 years. Many pathological changes in a living organism are eliminated and it returns to its normal, healthy condition. This is not a medicinal preparation of purposeful action, nor a foreign chemical substance, but just a carbon ball, dissolved in water.“
“SHUNGITE AND THE SAFETY OF HUMAN LIFE” (translated from Russian) In 2006, the very first and most-notable collaborations around Shungite took place in Petrozavodsk, Karelia at the (somewhat famed) health resort called White Springs. It was the first conference of its kind, devoted solely to the sharing of measurable therapeutic effects with Shungite on the human body. This is covered extensively in the book, although much of it can be found online, including citations from this website.
Thanks to the work of Dr. Nina Kolesnikova and her team at a sanatorium near Moscow, as many as 1,500 people were administered Shungite for what ailed them, and the results went public. Patients were administered the following according to their medically-defined health concern:
- Shungite infused mineral baths, 10-15 minutes every day,
- heated Shungite pastes on areas of joint and skin inflammation, up to 30 minutes
- concentrated Shungite water for external use – mouthwash, inhalation, wrapping (compress), etc.
- natural Shungite stones for massaging reflexology points on the feet
- the consumption of Shungite water on an empty stomach
It is the author’s understanding that noticeable effects from these procedures occurred after only a week or slightly longer. All reports showed a significant decrease in the need of traditional medications with zero secondary effects ever being observed. In conclusion, the following effects of Shungite were agreed upon, documented and published:
- Antibacterial
- Antiviral
- Immunostimulant
- Anticancer agent
- Anti-inflammatory/Antioxidant
- Antihistamine
- Protection from (both ionizing and noniodizing) radiation
The Antioxidant Effect
The first person to prove a connection between the enhancing effects of Shungite and the presence of fullerenes was one of the Russian’s who discovered them in Shungite to begin with, Grigory Andrievsky. He and his team figured out how to precipitate a base solution which could hold a significant amount of fullerenes and be applied to a living organism for therapeutic purposes. His team used this solution in their research and he concluded it is impossible to assign Shungite fullerenes a pharmaceutical classification. He observed that natural fullerenes act on a systemic (whole body) level, and not like a treatment for (acute) illness. He also stated “They act as an adaptogen operating both at the cellular level and at the level of the whole human body.” His conclusions indicated that “aqueous solutions of natural fullerenes are among the most powerful antioxidants known today. These solutions not only prove to be more effective at reducing concentrations of free radicals, but their action is stronger and it lasts longer.”
So, the fullerene has been declared as the most potent antioxidant we now know of. It’s effect on free radicals is astounding- far more powerful and longer lasting than the ones we usually hear about (vitamin C, D, E, beta-carotene, selenium, etc.), and by a long shot! (Note that free radicals aren’t always bad for you. Our bodies actually generate a number of them naturally! So we can handle some, but if too many are formed it can overwhelm our system.)
A typical antioxidant will combine itself with a free radical to neutralize it, and then stay there in order to keep it stable in it’s new (healthier) state. But because of a fullerene’s unique shape and peculiar expressions, we find it acts a lot like a sponge, sucking to it numerous free radicals that eventually can cover it’s entire surface. Then they are safely and easily released through the natural processes of elimination. All this with no damage to it’s structure. According to a publishing in 2010 about results obtained by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Pharmacology, Greece: fullerenes can neutralize “…20 or more free radicals per fullerene molecule. This opens up possibilities greatly in the field of medicine, both for their antioxidant activity, and ability to sense or detect what to gravitate to. Fullerenes have been seen grabbing onto many different things including chemicals, volatile organic compounds, drugs, chlorine, fluoride, and radioactive particles. It also kills a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and pathogens.“
How Shungite is a “protection” stone
First of all, everything is energy. Whether it’s something we detect with our 5 senses: organic or inorganic, inanimate, moving or “alive”, natural or man-made. Or if we’re referring to our thoughts, feelings, mood and emotional response to things- it is all energy. A germ is energy. A table, a rock, and a piece of fruit are all energy. So everything is energy, and all things are emitting it’s own frequency (of energy). Some vibrations we are able to measure, and others are just starting to come into closer view. Others are not yet measurable by our current scientific approaches… but they are surely coming! That being said…
The other reasons Shungite is aptly referred to as the “stone of life” and hailed to be a “protective stone”, comes from it’s ability to create positive shifts with our body, our being, electrical gadgets, and more. This is covered extensively in the book Shungite- Protection, Healing and Detoxification. It contains many diagrams and clearly presented results from research and measurements taken concerning EMFs (waves of energy emitted from electronics). The topics we’ll explore here have to do with Shungite’s strong effect on 3 different, although interconnected aspects of energy. They are:
- all the chakras of the body, especially the root
- a person’s vital field (energy that surrounds the body)
- left-turning torsion fields

Chakras are “wheels” (in Sanskrit) of energy that are sit in a line down the center of the body. They radiate from 7 main areas and correlate to the different organ and other systems in the body. (There are more than 7, but that’s a whole different blog.) Chakras are continually spinning, fluctuating, contracting and expanding, assimilating information and stimuli from the environment around us, constantly responding to our thoughts and feelings. Each one emanates an outward energy. They can be all over the boards, with one being wide open and vital, vibrating many feet away from the body, while a different one is more constricted, spinning sluggish, and only reaches a few inches out from the body. When all the chakras are evenly open and in alignment, we experience good health and peace of mind. After holding a piece of Shungite for 5 minutes, the root chakra (more below) expands, and an influx of energy occur in ALL the chakras, increasing the reach of their emanations and bringing them into alignment. Thusly, it expands and strengthens the vital field.
The Vital Field is also called the bio field, subtle body, aura, merkaba, electromagnetic field, and other names. It all refers to the “bubble” of energy that surrounds a person’s body at all times. Have you ever met somebody new, and you find you just have a strong feeling about them? That’s an example of your field picking up information contained in their field. (Also associated with their chakras.) Our bodies are radiating energy both out in front and behind the back of us (Vertical plane), as well as below the feet and above the head (Lateral plane). It extends to an average of 8 feet. All living beings are said to have a vital field. Like the chakras, the vital field responds immediately to our thoughts, feelings, and outside environment. Many diagrams along with data and results from studies done with Shungite and the vital field can be seen in the book mentioned above. Holding Shungite for only a few minutes effects both the SIZE of the vital field, as well as its DENSITY.
Torsion Fields– All things emit a vibration of energy, including inanimate objects running off of an energy source, such as a WiFi router. This energy not only emits waves moves outward in a spiraling, vortex motion. The torsion field of the human body spins naturally to the right, as does our DNA and other things of an organic or living nature. We can say that we are “biocompatible” with things like critters, plants, and rocks, including Shungite. On the contrary, anything that we plug into a power source or runs off a battery emits energy that spins to the left. These left-turning emissions show to shift our vertical plane out of balance, and thusly our entire system. These fields are NOT compatible with those of a human. Fatigue, stress and physical disturbances (disease) can manifest after prolonged exposure. It has been observed that Shungite placed near an electrical appliance or EMF-emitting device will quickly SHIFT IT’S ROTATION from left to right. When Shungite is worn on the body, it instantaneously corrects the shift and allows the whole system to remain centered.
Shungite stone is strongly associated to the ROOT CHAKRA. Simply holding a piece of it proves to open the root energy up within minutes, bringing through us increased life force energy.
The root chakra radiates downward toward the ground. Located near the center of the body, it is a major gateway to which energy initially flows, rising up through the rest of the body.

We are connected to our planet through this chakra. It keeps our physical body alive, aligned with our (other) subtle bodies, and holds us in the present moment. From here we draw up our strength, vitality, endurance, calm, and an instinctual knowing (about Who We Really Are). This chakra holds the seed of awareness that we are always “safe”. Shungite helps us realize and stay centered in this natural state of connection to the Earth, humanity, and our Inner Being.
Bioenergetic density in the vital field has much to do with what we call “protection”. A vibrant energy field is compromised whenever we go on the defense or feel (prolonged) resistance or fear toward something. It is by opening ourselves up and ALLOWING our energy to flow freely that fills and strengthens the vital field! Our impulses and guidance get through to us unencumbered, and we naturally take action in the perfect ways at the perfect time. Things become more effortless. Self love increases. Health improves. Well-being is dominant, and Shungite can help us to see this.
Because of the presence of fullerenes, Shungite has the additional ability to activate energetic circulation. For all of these reasons, what we have here is something quite unique and potentially potent, in our quest to feel better, improve ourselves, improve the planet, feel truly happy to be in our bodies, manifest with greater ease, and simply enjoy our existence here in whatever way we feel guided to. If you feel lack of guidance as to what that is, Shungite may help you!
Lastly, Shungite does not need to be cleansed or programmed like most other crystals do. Shungite’s right-torsion action takes care of itself! It does not show to experience energetic depletion, making it weak, nor does it take other energies into it’s own. In these ways we see that IT HOLDS IT’S OWN and TAKES CARE OF ITSELF. Bear this in mind when looking for a stone to work with for personal development or healing.
3 Grades of Shungite
A three-type classification system is most commonly used in the world of Shungite. Differences are determined by both weight percent of carbon and also their appearance. Because carbon content varies, so does the amount of fullerene abundance. Elite Shungite contains the highest, and to a lesser degree in Black type. (Yet all are sure to please!)

BLACK is also called GREY, or generic SHUNGITE ROCK. It has a dull, matte surface before it is polished. It is approximately 30-35% carbon. It commonly has visible inclusions of other minerals such as Pyrite and Quartzite. When handled soot-like powder usually rubs off onto the skin. It contains a lesser amount of fullerenes than the other grades. Since it contains other minerals and chemical elements, this type can be processed and is not as fragile as its elite counterpart (Silver). This is the most common type you’ll see shaped into different forms like beads, pyramids, protective phone plates, and other things we sell. Though Black Shungite contains a goodly amount of carbon, it is also composed of naturally-occurring toxic minerals such as arsenic. For this reason, Copper Canyon Lapidary recommends using other types for purifying water, although the book referenced in this blog, along with other sources online, do say otherwise.
PETROVSKY is black with a metallic luster. It is approximately 70-80% carbon and very rare. Once polished, it has more of a shine than black grade, but not nearly as much as Silver. The name most likely evolved from that of Peter the Great, as this was probably the grade of Shungite he was accessing at the time. It contains more fullerenes than Black Shungite. Although just like Black, Petrovsky grade can also be ground, shaped and polished. Our items available in this grade include in several different sizes of tumbled stone, necklaces, bracelets, and beads. We find it to be a bit like the black grade, being it does rub off a little bit and leave a fine black powder on the hands. For this reason, we prefer to use only the last type for purifying water. You can read our Russian partner’s take on Petrovksy by clicking here.
SILVER is also called ELITE or NOBLE grade. It is the shiniest of the Shungites, with a silver sheen that reflects in the light. It is smooth to the touch. It contains the most carbon content of all the grades of Shungite, up to 98%, and thus contains the highest amount of fullerenes, making it excellent for purifying water (directions for this further down). Elite Shungite is extremely fragile and cannot withstand processing or being formed into shapes, therefore it is usually sold as jagged, rough pieces. Elite grade accounts for only 1% of all Shungite that is found, making it the most rare.
Great article! Very thorough & detailed information. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the feedback about our blogs! We strive to provide both interesting and helpful information about the materials we offer. We are glad to hear how much you like it. Take care, the Copper Canyon team
This is a very thorough and awesome article. I usually get bored with minor details in a blog but I read every word. Love it. Thanks!
Hi Samantha. Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you like the post and will pass along your compliments to the author.
Very informative and well written. You explained the boring and often confusing science so well I didn’t have to reread passages multiple times lol. My only question is why the hell haven’t I heard about this before?!
HAHA- Thanks for the feedback, John! To answer your question… you hadn’t been on the same frequency of it yet! Now you are 😉